Everyone thinks of payday loans as something people use in an emergency, but they’re actually a great alternative to credit cards under many other circumstances.
Consider this: credit cards are notoriously difficult to pay off. It’s just too easy to let the balance ride, to pay the minimum or what we feel as though we can afford each month, while letting interest fees accrue over and over again, month after month.
Using tax refund loan advance instead, when carefully planned and budgeted, ensures that the bills are paid off quickly, in just a month or so.
Instead of having that credit card payment every single month, often growing larger and larger over time, these payments are larger, and maybe necessitate a couple of lean weeks without restaurant meals or shopping, but after that you’re back to your usual budget.
The lack of ongoing, interest-bearing debt is a huge plus that everyone should consider when they’re looking at buying a vacation or other expenses on credit cards.
Plan Your Summer Around Tax Refund Advance Loans
When vacations or other activities are paid for using credit cards, you can be paying for that one-week adventure for a whole year or more! There are a number of ways you can pay using tax refund advance loans instead:
If it’s a single invoice payment, such as for a camp or activity program for the kids during summer break, you can write a check or use your debit card just like you would for any other expense.
One great trick for a vacation or road trip is to load the funds onto a disposable debit card; not only can some programs insure the funds against theft or loss, but this is an excellent way to keep yourself on a budget.
The money for bills and groceries is safe at home in your regular bank account, so you can’t accidentally spend funds earmarked for something else. You can use payday loan funds for anything you’d use money you saved up but without that oh-so-difficult saving!
Take a road trip to the beach, visit grandma and grandpa, go see some old college buddies or take a foodie tour of your favorite foodie city.
Tax Refund Loan Advances Are Quick and Easy To Apply For
Unlike traditional loans, tax refund loan advances have the speed of the world wide web behind them! It may sound risky to apply for a loan over the internet, but most of us already pay bills and check our bank accounts this way. It’s in the best interests of the every business that deals with personal information online, but especially financial business sites, that the security on the site be maintained at the highest level possible.
The convenience of using the internet to apply for loans is unparalleled, but the service is excellent too. The website is easy to navigate, the application is quick to complete, without intrusive questions you’ll need to spend hours looking up the answers to.
Approvals take only minutes, and the funds can be in your bank account the very next day. tax refund loan advances have so many advantages over traditional loans, you’ll wish you’d tried them years ago!
Steve Mccaffrey
Steve is a top contributing author and best seller. He has been featured on several programs and brings his extensive knowledge to our business and blog section. He is a dedicated to his family and his craft.
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